Dark souls 3 kill dragon ringed city quest dark souls 3 ringed city dragon
Dark souls 3 kill dragon ringed city quest dark souls 3 ringed city dragon

Alva's armor from Dark Souls 2 mentions "Alva crossed many a land in search of a cure for Saint Serreta's sickness, but failed and relinquished his knighthood.Is referred to only as “Seeker of the Spurned” in his invasion in the Ringed City.Can be easily killed by tossing an Alluring Skull near the edge of the cliff, he'll run right towards it and fall to his death.Be wary of falling off the nearby cliff if dodging.The doorway back to the Distant Manor will be blocked by a fog wall during the invasion, so he must be fought at the cliff or inside the dungeon.Uses the normal curved greatsword moveset and is easily staggered.Mainly fights two-handed with weapon arts up close, switches to wielding one-handed with an off-hand crossbow at distance.Wields: Murakumo (RH) and a Arbalest crossbow (LH).His armor can be found near Karla's cell, in Irithyll Dungeon, after he has been defeated.Alva will be hiding round a corner at the end of this pathway, guarding the Black Witch Set. From here, go to the left of the monument and the invasion will be triggered. If you keep going there will be a Ringed Knight.

dark souls 3 kill dragon ringed city quest dark souls 3 ringed city dragon

  • From the location of Shira at the top of the stairs on the streets of the Ringed City, you should head down and to the right, crossing the first bridge over the stairs.
  • Alva does not invade if Yhorm has already been defeated.
  • The invasion is triggered the moment you set foot on the bridge outside the manor. Invades as a dark spirit in the entrance of the doorway leading to the Bonfire.
  • You can find Alva, Seeker of the Spurned at Irithyll of the Boreal Valley past the Distant Manor bonfire, on the staircase leading to the Irithyll Dungeon.
  • List of items that refer to this NPC: Black Witch Set.
  • Invades on the streets of The Ringed City, whether you are embered or not.
  • Invades just before the entrance of Irithyll Dungeon, if the player is embered.
  • dark souls 3 kill dragon ringed city quest dark souls 3 ringed city dragon

    Alva, Seeker of the Spurned is a NPC in Dark Souls 3.

    Dark souls 3 kill dragon ringed city quest dark souls 3 ringed city dragon